sydney harbour

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Whatever Floats Your Boat Some pictures from last week's escape!
Whatever Floats Your Boat- Picnic Please join me for a picnic and witness my arrival in Balmain as I attempt to paddle across Sydney Harbour in the canoe I built over the last few months during my residency in the old dockyards on Cockatoo Island.I will launch my boat from Cockatoo Island and hope to meet you on the other side!More information here: starts at 2pm.Sunday 28th MarchWhite Horse Point, Elkington ParkGlassop St & White StBalmainxkeg
Whatever Floats Your Boat Cockatoo Island Studio Residency.Whatever Floats Your Boat:Escape from Cockatoo IslandWhatever Floats Your Boat is a project channelling the spirit of the legendary Australian bushranger Captain Thunderbolt and his wife Mary Ann Bugg.
Cockatoo Island Residency These are pictures of my current Cockatoo Island Studio in the Sydney Harbour.
© Keg de Souza, 2015.