Radical Pedagogy Readers

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A series of readers on radical pedagogy created for Common Knowledge and Learning Curves exhibition.

These readers featured as part of Fundamental (2018) the work is described by Helen Hughes in Frieze here:

But perhaps the most striking work in the show is the small library of books offered under the title Fundamental. Though the presence of curated libraries has become an increasingly familiar trope under the aegis of contemporary art’s ‘educational turn’ (Emily Floyd’s radical pedagogical libraries is a local example), De Souza’s library is characterized by lack: it comprises a single shelf that runs around several walls of the gallery like a horizon line, punctuated here and there by a dip in which a single book is placed. Titles include The Undercommons (2013) by Stefano Harney and Fred Moten, and Yearning (1990) by bell hooks, alongside a handful of books by critical educational theorists such as Paulo Freire and Laura I. Rendón.”

To access a resource list of books and articles on radical pedagogy click here

  • Radical Pedagogy Readers

  • Radical Pedagogy Readers

  • Radical Pedagogy Readers
