Didactic Tools and Symposium at Fremantle Arts Centre
21 November 2015
Fremantle Arts Centre
Opening Fri 20 Nov | 6:30pm
Exhibition runs Sat 21 Nov 2015 – Sun 24 Jan 2016
Workshop Symposium Sat 21 Nov, 9:00am-5:00pm
Opening Fri 20 Nov | 6:30pm
Exhibition runs Sat 21 Nov 2015 – Sun 24 Jan 2016
Workshop Symposium Sat 21 Nov, 9:00am-5:00pm
Tarsh Bates (WA)
Keg de Souza (NSW)
Sam Fox (WA)
Jake Oorloff (Sri Lanka)
Kynan Tan (WA/NSW)
Keg de Souza (NSW)
Sam Fox (WA)
Jake Oorloff (Sri Lanka)
Kynan Tan (WA/NSW)
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Didactic Tools features five artists responding to the current explosion of instructional and educational culture; from YouTube tutorials and TED to the proliferation of data visualisation and analytics, digital whistleblowing and new political movements.
The ensemble of artists brings together disciplines of performance, visual, sound and media art with biological science and architectural practice.
Through collective research – sharing their own tools and conducting experiments in peer-to-peer education – the artists have drawn lines between the vast field of sub-cultures and movements in which teaching and learning now thrive.
Didactic Tools presents five artists embracing the challenges of working with knowledge in art, each considering in their own way how the transference of the work’s ‘source code’ (information/intention/meaning/provocation/polemic) might resonate with its evocative qualities.
This project has been convened by Perth-based company Hydra Poesis and organised by artists Kynan Tan and Sam Fox.